Redeemable Tent Deposits Put in Place to Clean Up City

Starting July 1st, buying a new tent will cost you a $40 deposit. Anyone can return a tent to any tent retailer to collect the $40 deposit. This is the the city’s new program, intended to clean up tents littering the city.

“It worked for the bottle bill, there are no longer cans and bottles littering the city,” says Oregon Governor, Kate Brown. “Same idea for getting clearing tents from public areas”

There are concerns among activists for rights of the unhoused.

“The government does not seem to be concerned that this “Tent Bill” will lead to occupied tents being taken, to redeem for the deposit,” says a self-identified Antifa that prefers not to be named.

Public relations for the governor replied, “That is not a concern, we are running out of ideas, this is the best we have”